Saturday 23 January 2016

Tyneham Village and Worbarrow Bay

Saturday 23rd January 2016

This quote is taken from the Tyneham Village information leaflet - ' Before the Second World War, Tyneham was just one of many small isolated villages Dorset villages.  It's residents led a simple life, relying mainly on farming and fishing for their livelihood, oblivious to the future events which would give their home a special place in history.  in 1943 the villagers were moved out by Winston Churchill's War Cabinet prior to the area being used for D-Day preparations.  They never returned.  Today the village is part of the MoD Lulworth Ranges, only the empty buildings remain, trapped in a time warp which has protected the area from many of the modern developments that, elsewhere , have changed the face of the countryside'. 

Tyneham Village is mainly open at weekends, when the firing range is not in use.  Today we had a good look round and then walked on down a mile or so to the coast to Worbarrow Bay, a very picturesque place.

Each house contains an information board with details on it of who lived there in the censuses of 1891 and 1901 and who last lived there, together with photos of some of  the people, it was very interesting.

Post Office Row now.... 

and the same row of houses in 1908.

A public phone box was installed outside the post office in 1927 and apparently it caused quite a stir!

The school house.

The inside of the school house has been re-created in the style of the 1920's.

However I'm not sure about rook pie!

My absolute favourites, snowdrops.

Tyneham Church.

Very intricate carvings on the walls.

Can't argue with that!

Worbarrow Bay.

Pondfield Cove.

A lovely place to spend time, it would be nice to come back when it's a bit warmer and sit on the beach and just watch.....

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