Friday 22 January 2016

Arne Nature Reserve

Friday 22nd January 2016

The weather this afternoon was in total contrast to that of this morning, it was dull and miserable early on and by the afternoon there was sun and blue sky.  We had another visit to the RSPB Arne Nature Reserve near Wareham,  the information leaflet says that Arne nature reserve is a peaceful place to spot wildlife on a peninsula that juts out into Poole Harbour.  

In the car park there is an information point where you can find out the latest bird sightings from very helpful volunteers who are always keen to help you make the most of your time at Arne. Spoonbills and Avocets were spotted in the morning so we were hoping to see these from the hide on the waters edge.  Unfortunately all we saw at the hide today was a mallard - maybe because the tide was out quite a long way? - there's always next time!

From Shipstal Beach, looking towards Round Island.

A curlew.

Shipstal Beach with the Purbeck hills in the background.

And seen from above.

There were masses of grey squirrels about this afternoon, running, climbing and eating - I would love to take the credit for this photo of a squirrel in a proper squirrel pose but unfortunately I can't, my husband has a far better camera for zooming in!!! (it's just a shame about the barbed wire in front of the squirrel)

This very good looking stag sika deer wasn't too bothered by us, we got quite close, considering we are used to deer in the New Forest making a run for it even if we are a long way in the distance!

He was probably glad to see the sun and to dry out after this morning's rain!

Looking across the marshland towards the bird hide.

All is calm!

and reflective.

I can thoroughly recommend this place, there are a variety of trails to follow that take you through all sorts of habitats with fantastic views across Poole Harbour.  Definitely worth a visit

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