Wednesday 15 July 2015

The Smell of Summer - Privet

Wednesday 15th July 2015

I remember mentioning this in a post last year but this year I will explain why to me privet is the smell of summer.  Privet is in flower at the moment and has been for two or three weeks now. The distinctive smell wafts in the car window every time I pass large bushes of it and I love it.  It's probably not to everyone's taste but to me it evokes memories of long hot summers when I was a child out playing, as our next door neighbours had an enormous hedge of privet at the bottom of their garden.  We now have privet in our garden and we haven't pruned it for a while to enable the flowers to go for it!   Privet couldn't be called colourful or flouncy, in fact quite plain and green but in the summer it's magic (I think it is anyway) so I am sharing the love of privet!  

Next time you see it, take a deep breath, breathe in the scent and think of summer!
For a bit more info on privet, take a look here

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