Friday 17 July 2015

Ballard Down, Swanage & Wild Flowers Everywhere

Friday 17th July 2015

It was a mainly overcast but warm  afternoon with a welcome breeze so fairly ideal conditions for a walk UP to Ballard Down.  We parked at Ulwell and immediately climbed steeply uphill to the obelisk at the top where there are fantastic views overlooking Swanage, it was well worth the effort.  We walked out to the cliffs, admiring the views of Poole Harbour on one side and Swanage Bay on the other.

The view of Swanage from the obelisk.

The obelisk.

Poole Harbour and 

Swanage Bay.

We had a close encounter with a low swooping skylark who landed and stayed put just long enough for a photo.  Normally we see them singing and hovering high up in the sky, this is the first time I have seen one close up, it was good to see.

There were a few hardy individuals on the beach, despite the lack of sunshine.

The much less steep footpath back down  went through a field of cows, I was less than happy about this but the cows didn't seem at all bothered or particularly interested in us.

The views were amazing so we sat on a bench and just watched for a while, bliss.  I haven't been on this walk before and it's one we will definitely return to.  There were masses of wild flowers on the footpath down here are a few.

The caterpillars of the cinnabar moth mainly eat ragwort, there was the odd one here and there but in the past we have seen masses teeming over each plant.

An old metal kissing gate back at the car park.

And back into Swanage.

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