Friday 10 October 2014

Near Beaulieu

Friday 10th October 2014

It's been a bit wet on and off of late so today the New Forest had that waterlogged look about it that we know so well from earlier in the year.  There's not a great deal to say about the two short walks this afternoon except that we successfully found two caches, and that we managed to stay dry, there was no sign of the recent short sharp showers.  There's a definite smell of autumn in the Forest too, it's good enough to bottle I reckon.

The bracken is changing to a golden colour,

Water water everywhere...............

A velvety looking fungus.

Geocaches are very often in quiet spots and this one had a pleasant view - note the puddle across the gate!  The cache itself was hidden under a low bridge and required a certain amount of limbo skills or very long arms to  retrieve it, but retrieve it we did!

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