Monday 13 October 2014

A Wet Autumnal Look Around Southampton Common

Monday 13th October 2014

It was a dull and wet walk on Southampton Common today but actually it was nice to be out in the rain, it smelt lovely and leafy.  Talking of smells, if I could bottle one smell it would definitely be wood smoke and as luck would have it the fire or fires must have been lit in the Cowherds just before we walked by and it smelt delicious, wood smoke heaven.

The old cemetery on Southampton Common is a really interesting place and it's  great for wildlife -  I'll come back on a nicer day and post some more pics soon.

Mmmmmmmm ....... wood smoke at the Cowherds.

It wasn't long ago that the paddling pool was packed with children having fun, today funnily enough it was empty!

Some sort of frilly fungus.

In less than a week the oak tree on the left has changed colour quite considerably, and who is this sleeping at the edge of the lake?

The resident swans of course! ( their cygnets weren't here last week so they must have moved on).  They didn't move a muscle so were clearly happy snoozing in the drizzle.

Just floating around.

There has been a bit of trimming and tidying happening on the Common, but the winds of late have started to bring down large branches again and have made more work for someone to clear up. It's an always changing place, just right for a pleasant autumn walk

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