Friday 31 October 2014

Colours of Halloween in Swanage

Friday 31st October 2014

School holidays are always busy in Swanage and today was no exception.  There were quite a few people about, and as it was Halloween there were some quite weirdly dressed people about too.  Some of the shopkeepers had entered into the Halloween spirit and decorated their windows, this was the Candle World display, definitely the best.

Candle World, Swanage

Meanwhile the new beach huts on Shore Road are coming on nicely and one new addition this visit was the colour changing lights in the roofs. I love them!

And there were various other colours in between this selection.  Talking of lights, there was a large dog on the beach in the dark wearing a glow in the dark collar, chasing a glow in the dark ball, all very surreal and apt for Halloween.  There was a nice atmosphere in Swanage this evening with plenty to see including fireworks, ghosts, witches pumpkins and plenty of fake spiders webs.

Monday 13 October 2014

A Wet Autumnal Look Around Southampton Common

Monday 13th October 2014

It was a dull and wet walk on Southampton Common today but actually it was nice to be out in the rain, it smelt lovely and leafy.  Talking of smells, if I could bottle one smell it would definitely be wood smoke and as luck would have it the fire or fires must have been lit in the Cowherds just before we walked by and it smelt delicious, wood smoke heaven.

The old cemetery on Southampton Common is a really interesting place and it's  great for wildlife -  I'll come back on a nicer day and post some more pics soon.

Mmmmmmmm ....... wood smoke at the Cowherds.

It wasn't long ago that the paddling pool was packed with children having fun, today funnily enough it was empty!

Some sort of frilly fungus.

In less than a week the oak tree on the left has changed colour quite considerably, and who is this sleeping at the edge of the lake?

The resident swans of course! ( their cygnets weren't here last week so they must have moved on).  They didn't move a muscle so were clearly happy snoozing in the drizzle.

Just floating around.

There has been a bit of trimming and tidying happening on the Common, but the winds of late have started to bring down large branches again and have made more work for someone to clear up. It's an always changing place, just right for a pleasant autumn walk

Sunday 12 October 2014

Calshot Beach

Sunday 12th October 2014

So, despite the doomed forecast (remember the pink sky in my last post?) we headed to the coast for a change.  There was plenty happening on the Solent, various sizes of yachts and dinghies racing, ferries crossing to the Isle of Wight, container ships on the move and tugs and pilot boats assisting them.  

Colourful spinnakers, taken from a long way off!

The Isle of Wight in the distance (and hey, I seem to have the rule of thirds bang on in this photo!!)

No paddling today, the breeze off of the sea was quite cold and I could have done with gloves for the first time this autumn.

The beach huts at Calshot are many different sizes, some are huge, others traditionally small , something for everyone it would seem.

The high tides of late have brought all sorts onto the beach.

Luttrells Tower - taken from the beach - part of the Eaglehust Estate that has recently been up for sale,(if you happen to have a small fortune) for the Daily Mail article on Eaglehust, see here

In the car park were these uuicy fat rose hips and the white berries may be snowberries but I'm not sure.

Back on the beach, closer to the shore this time, a race was taking place, at this point the dinghies had just turned into the wind and things looked to be a bit of a struggle.

Finally, it is now 6.30pm, it's pouring with rain and it's been dull and miserable for a while, so maybe shepherds know more than  everything sheepy - red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning seems to have been spot on today!

Red Sky In The Morning.......

Sunday 12th October 2014

Red sky at night, shepherds delight, 
Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning.....

7.15am today  - from our bathroom window.

So maybe it'll be wet today?

Weather lessons in Geography were a long time ago, so I had to look these clouds up and if I've got it right they are cirrostratus, great don't you think?

Friday 10 October 2014

Near Beaulieu

Friday 10th October 2014

It's been a bit wet on and off of late so today the New Forest had that waterlogged look about it that we know so well from earlier in the year.  There's not a great deal to say about the two short walks this afternoon except that we successfully found two caches, and that we managed to stay dry, there was no sign of the recent short sharp showers.  There's a definite smell of autumn in the Forest too, it's good enough to bottle I reckon.

The bracken is changing to a golden colour,

Water water everywhere...............

A velvety looking fungus.

Geocaches are very often in quiet spots and this one had a pleasant view - note the puddle across the gate!  The cache itself was hidden under a low bridge and required a certain amount of limbo skills or very long arms to  retrieve it, but retrieve it we did!

Wednesday 1 October 2014

New Beach Huts - Swanage

Wednesday 1st October 2014

It was warm and sunny in Swanage this afternoon but by the evening when I took these photos. things looked somewhat greyer and duller.  However, the new beach huts that are being built on the front and nearing completion look modern and bright and I'm really looking forward to seeing them finished. Further round the bay there was a large group of young herring gulls just waiting, close to the fish and chip shops, maybe hoping for a chip or two - we didn't have any to offer, they were far too tasty!!!!

Young herring gulls.

Looking towards Swanage Pier.

Looking across the bay towards Old Harry Rocks (at a particularly jaunty angle!)

These huts are looking really good and look even better

with funky colourful doors.

The beach huts are due to be completed in the Autumn so I will keep an eye on them and take more photos once they are finished.