Tuesday 28 February 2017

February 2017 - Spring has Sprung!

February 2017

In an effort to catch up I have put together a group of photos showing some of my favourite moments from February.

It was very stormy for a few days in Swanage in early February.

We had a 5 mile walk on a beautiful morning on 5th Feb, at one stage the coat came off for the first time this year it was that warm!  We walked from the car park at Povington, down into Tyneham, along to Warbarrow Bay and back along the ridge at the top.

Looking down towards Warbarrow Bay.

Snowdrops, my favourites, in the churchyard at Tyneham.

These photos were taken on 13th Feb on a walk at RSPB Arne, when there was a very high tide, we hadn't seen it like this before.

We were really close to this stag, but he didn't seem bothered by us, I suppose he's used to people?

During a walk on 19th Feb from Millyford Bridge in the New Forest we came aross the first frogspawn of the year, loads of it!

Crocus  at Durlston on 21st Feb.

Daffodils are looking good too.

Catkins at Arne, 22nd Feb.

Spring is definitely here, the hawthorn blossom is just bursting.

Southampton Common, 27th February.

Well, that's February done, will move on to March shortly!

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