Friday 19 June 2015

Durlston Country Park

Friday 19th June 2015

These are just a few photos from today. We walked into Swanage for a coffee and a look around the very busy bustling market via the beach where summer is in full swing.  Quite a few of the new beach huts were being used and  various cafes and ice cream parlours that have been closed up until now were open for business.  The place that hires out pedalos and various bits of beach equipment (deck chairs, windbreaks etc) was up and running and there were lots more people strolling about.  I don't do crowds of people so if it gets too much busier I might have to avoid it for a while!


In the afternoon we had a quick walk at Durlston Country Park where we saw lots of guillemots diving for fish and swimming about in lines - almost ocd lines - odd.

The Globe.

Looking towards Old Harry Rocks in the distance.

At the Tilly Whim Caves.

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