Thursday 29 September 2016

Studland And A Black Rabbit

Thursday 29th September 2016

After a dull and wet start today, this afternoon was much better, the sun came out and it was warm enough for t shirts again.  We parked at the Middle Beach car park at Studland and had a lovely walk along to Knoll Beach.  Before we went onto the beach we looked for and found a geocache near the Dragon's Teeth (which were built to impede the movement of tanks and mechanised infantry during the Second World War).  

 It made a change for us to walk along the beach at low tide and today's tide seemed extra low. Fortunately there was no sign of the thick piles of smelly seaweed that have been along the shore on our last few visits, the beach was surprisingly seaweed free!  

The dragons teeth above and below hidden amongst the ferns!

There were masses and masses of worm casts on the beach, this one I particularly liked!

There would have been crowds of people on this beach only a month or so ago, today however it was very quiet and very peaceful.

There were quite a few swallows swooping around above the sand dunes and just above the sea, I suppose they are gathering on the coast ready to fly off back to Africa soon.  We saw young herring gulls picking up shellfish, flying up high and dropping them so that they smashed on the stones and made it easier to eat. We also saw a couple of oyster catchers and a cormorant.

Late afternoon sun

Back at the car park, just as we were leaving I spotted a couple of wild rabbits, one the usual brown colour and one black!

I've seen black rabbits in the wild near Southampton before once or twice, but it's not something I've seen very often, it was nice to see it and it didn't seem too bothered by us either.  All in all a very pleasant afternoon at a lovely spot.

Friday 9 September 2016

The Waverley Paddle Steamer at Swanage Pier

Friday 9th September 2016

Well, it's been a while!!  I've been doing lots of walking over the Summer since the last time I wrote on this blog back in June I just haven't found the time to do a blog.  I will hopefully catch up with a few of them soon.  Most of our walking tends to be in much the same places at the moment and I thought things were all getting a bit duplicated but now I have decided that even if they are the same the seasons change and places look different in different weathers, so on we go!!!!

Yesterday we walked into Swanage for a coffee in a cafe overlooking the bay and realised that the paddle steamer Waverley was moored at the pier and was shortly due to depart on a day trip along the coast and over to the Isle of Wight.  Swanage Pier is epic, it's like stepping back in time and it was great to get up close to the Waverley and listen to the Captain speaking to the passengers over the public address system about the upcoming trip.

The water was very clear and calm, looking towards the Waverley at the end of the pier.

We were lucky with the weather, the forecast was dull and cloudy but we had some warm sunny intervals, so no complaints here.

A young herring gull.

I have no idea why but I thought the Waverley was a lot smaller than it is.

A closer view of the paddle.

The Waverley reversing away from the pier and out to sea.

One out, one in........ the Poole Ferry was the next thing to arrive, it was all go!!!
For information on the Waverley see here

Thursday 8 September 2016

Sea Views at Anvil Point

Thursday 8th September 2016

This week it has been much quieter in and around Swanage now that the schools are back, we especially noticed this on a wander around Durlston Country Park.  As usual for Swanage it was quite windy, windy enough to produce little white horses on the waves out to sea so we sat sea watching and drinking coffee for a while, not a bad way to spend an afternoon.

Looking towards Anvil Point.

There weren't many boats about!

There was a fair old  swell on the sea.

Anvil Point Lighthouse.

The Tilly Whim Caves, a nice spot for coffee - it was a good job we took it with us!

We walked on around Durlston Country Park.

Dry stone wall maintenance in progress.

A real end of Summer scene.

By this point we realised that our parking ticket was about to run out (having spent so long sea watching) so we had to get a wriggle on back to the car.