Wednesday 31 August 2016

The Agglestone Rock on Godlingston Heath

Wednesday 31st August 2016

This was a new walk for us this afternoon.  Although it was dull and overcast it was a pleasant walk skirting round the edge of Studland Golf Course and on to the Agglestone Rock, details of which can be found here.  It's quite weird, just there all on it's own!

The Agglestone Rock with Poole Harbour beyond.

The pink tinge of heather.

Approaching the Rock.....

......and from the other side!

Very odd in the middle of the heath!

I'm glad that's nice and clear then!!!

The sun put in a brief appearance.

In the distance, Old Harry Rocks in the sunshine.

Meanwhile, back in our neck of the woods, rain was threatening so we marched on a bit quick back to the car.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Swanage in Summer - Doesn't Get Any Better!

Tuesday 30th August 2016

When the sun shines in Swanage, (and to be fair, even when it doesn't) there really is no better place, it's so easy to get away from the crowds on the main beach and relax in peace and quiet by just walking a short distance. Over the Summer there have been all types of boats moored in the bay and over the last few weeks I have taken a few photos to show some of them and to show off the beach itself.

 A view of Peveril Point that we particularly like when we walk in to Swanage the 'long' way.

All is calm at Peveril Point.

Then, moving on to the North End of the beach, I think this is Moonfleet of Swanage out in the bay.

You can see how quiet and beautiful it is.  (a great spot as long as the tide is out, you can't easily access this part of the beach when the tide is in and it's easy to get cut off)

 A Black Headed Gull (with a white head at this time of year!) drinking from the freshwater stream that crosses the beach, it was a hot day and it seemed quite thirsty.

Back at the other end of Swanage, more boats taken on a walk along the pier - on 19th August.

They say not to take photos into the sun, well I did anyway and I like it!

The old pier.

The Old Pier and a few boats, the orange one on the left is the diving school boat and the orange one on the right is the Swanage All Weather Lifeboat.

And here we have a board showing information on the dive sites that the divers visit.

Just look how clear the sea is, Swanage at it's best!